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Copyright © EMS Technologies Canada, Ltd.
HSD Aeronautical Transceivers
Inmarsat Swift64 services
Inmarsat’s Swift64 service supports high-speed ISDN
communications and TCP-IP Internet connectivity. HSD
Aeronautical Transceivers provide the connection between
the aircraft and the Swift64 service.
Inmarsat Swift64 service supports the following:
Toll-quality voice
Four ISDN bearer Services (using Euro ISDN):
64 kb/s UDI (supports ISDN to ISDN
56 kb/s (supports connections to terminals in
switched 56 k networks)
Speech (supports voice connections between
ISDN phones or analogue handsets
connected to a Terminal Adapter)
3.1 kHz audio (supports connections
between analogue devices commonly used
over the PSTN):
ISDN Modems
Group 3 fax machines
Secure communications
4.8 k low-speed voice
Inmarsat and Inmarsat service providers work together to
provide these services anywhere within the coverage of the
Inmarsat Swift64 satellite system. The coverage provided
by Inmarsat’s Swift64 service is illustrated in the Annex of
this User’s Guide.
For further information about Swift64 services, visit
Inmarsat’s Web site:
or contact
their Customer Care Service at:
Tel: +44 20 7728 1777
Fax: +44 20 7728 1142