Device will not respond to changes in level
Recommended actions
Verify level is between the 4 and 20 mA set points.
Verify output is not in alarm condition.
Verify device is not in loop test or simulation mode.
Related information
Upper/lower range value
Alarm mode
Check device status
There is no HART communication (lost device
Recommended actions
1. Verify power supply voltage is adequate at signal terminals.
2. Check load resistance (250 ohms minimum).
3. Check if device is at an alternate HART address.
4. Check current analog output value to verify that device hardware works.
Related information
Power supply
HART/polling address
Service and troubleshooting tools
Using the echo curve
The Rosemount Radar Master Plus software includes functions for viewing and recording
single instances or movies of the echo curve. The echo curve represents the tank, as seen
by the radar transmitter. Each peak corresponds to a strong reflection of the radar signal.
Reference Manual
Service and troubleshooting
September 2022
Rosemount 3408 Level Transmitter