Repair, e.g. substitution of components, etc. may jeopardize safety and is under no circumstances allowed.
Unauthorized changes to the product are strictly prohibited as they may unintentionally and unpredictably alter performance and
jeopardize safety. Unauthorized changes that interfere with the integrity of the welds or flanges, such as making additional
perforations, compromise product integrity and safety. Equipment ratings and certifications are no longer valid on any products
that have been damaged or modified without the prior written permission of Emerson. Any continued use of product that has
been damaged or modified without the written authorization is at the customer’s sole risk and expense.
Physical access
Unauthorized personnel may potentially cause significant damage to and/or misconfiguration of end users’ equipment. This could
be intentional or unintentional and needs to be protected against.
Physical security is an important part of any security program and fundamental to protecting your system. Restrict physical access
by unauthorized personnel to protect end users’ assets. This is true for all systems used within the facility.
Hot surfaces
The flange and process seal may be hot at high process temperatures. Allow to cool before servicing.
The products described in this document are NOT designed for nuclear-qualified applications. Using non-nuclear qualified
products in applications that require nuclear-qualified hardware or products may cause inaccurate readings. For information on
Rosemount nuclear-qualified products, contact your local Emerson Sales Representative.