User Manual
Appendix A
Jan 2020
VersaSafe system
To parameterize the system, parameterize each input and output of the system. You must
also set the watchdog time for each satellite.
Configuration and parameter data record
The safe configuration and parameterization user interface of VersaConf Safety generates
a data record containing the configuration and parameterization data for all the modules
of a VersaSafe island in the format specific to the controller. So that data consistency and
uniqueness can be checked, suitable means such as addresses, module IDs, and CRCs are
included in the configuration and parameter data record.
Import this configuration and parameter data record into the standard control system
used according to the controller.
On every power up, make this data record available to the IC220SDL963 island node (see
Section "Downloading the configuration and parameter data record" on page 85). The
IC220SDL963 module is parameterized in this way. The satellites are parameterized
automatically by the IC220SDL963 module.
VersaConf Safety can be used as a stand-alone tool. However, depending on the control
system, calling VersaConf Safety can also integrate the transfer of the configuration and
parameter data record deeper into the relevant control system.
E-Learning tutorials and online help are available for the VersaConf Safety software tool.
VersaConf Safety should also be used in the planning phase. If the size of the
configuration and parameter data record for the planned safety functions exceeds the
memory size, an error message is displayed and changes can be made at an early stage.
To roughly estimate the memory required, please use the information in Section
"Memory sizes for the safety logic" on page 92.