User Manual
Appendix B
Jan 2020
Checklist for planning the use of the VersaSafe system
19 Have the accessories to be used been planned (e.g., cables, plugs)?
20 Is the transmission speed for the individual VersaPoint stations specified?
21 Are the specifications for parameterization, assembly, electrical
installation, startup, and validation of the IC220SDL963 described?
22 Are the specifications for parameterization, assembly, electrical
installation, startup, and validation of the satellites described?
23 Is the assignment of responsibility specified (e.g., for
assembly/installation/ configuration,
parameterization/startup/validation, etc.)?
24 Are measures planned which prevent hazardous states in each phase
(e.g., specification of individual steps in the procedure for each phase)?
25 Is monitoring of the actuators and sensors controlled/requested by the
VersaSafe system planned (e.g., reading of outputs)?
Signature (author)
Signature (test engineer)