WOP-2ac-LR2. User manual
Link Quality
– parameter that displays the status of the link to the client, calculated based on the number
of retransmit packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted packets were sent
on the first attempt), the minimum value is 0% (no packets were successfully sent to the client). The
parameter value is calculated for the last 10 s;
Link Quality Common
– parameter that displays the status of the link to the client, calculated based on
the number of retransmit packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted
packets were sent on the first attempt), the minimum value is 0% (no packets were successfully sent to
the client). The parameter value is calculated for the entire client connection time.
– received signal level, dBm;
– signal/noise ratio, dB;
– channel data rate of transmission, Mbps;
– channel data rate of receiving, Mbps;
– transmission bandwidth, MHz;
– receive bandwidth, MHz;
– connection uptime.
Total TX/RX, bytes
– the number of bytes sent/received on the connected device;
Total TX/RX, packets
– the number of packets sent/received on the connected device;
Data TX/RX, bytes
– the number of data bytes sent/received on the connected device;
Data TX/RX, packets
– the number of data packets sent/received on the connected device;
Fails, packets
– the number of packets sent with errors on the connected device;
TX Period Retry, packets
– the number of retries of transmission to the connected device in the last 10 s;
TX Retry Count, packets
– the number of retries of transmission to the connected device during the
entire connection;
Actual TX/RX Rate, Kbps
– the current traffic transmission rate at the moment.