WOP-2ac-LR2. User manual
Date, Time
– set the current date and time or click the 'Set current date and time' button to
synchronize with the device;
Time Zone
– allows to set the timezone according to the nearest city for your region from the list;
Daylight Saving Time Enable
– when selected, automatic daylight saving change will be performed
automatically within the defined time period:
DST Start
– day and time, when daylight saving time is starting;
– day and time, when daylight saving time is ending;
DST Offset (minutes)
– time period in minutes, on which time offset is performing.
NTP Server
Date and Time device –
date and time set on the device;
NTP Server
– time synchronization server IP address/dom
ain name. You can specify an address or
select from the list;
Time Zone
– allows to set the timezone according to the nearest city for your region from the list.
To apply a new configuration and store settings into the non-volatile memory, click the
'Apply' button.
discard changes click the
'Cancel' button.