Programming Options
Potassium Permanganate Stains:
Ready to use: SS-061BP or SS-061BP-EU
Concentrate: SS-161BP
Thiazin Red Stain:
Ready to use: SS-061BRT-EU and SS-061BCS-EU (Reagents are
mixed 50: 50 before use. Mixture is stable for 2 days after mixing.)
Thiazin Red is available in Europe as a replacement for Potassium
(C) Reagent: Primary Stain
Auramine O (stains organisms yellowish-green):
Ready to use: SS-061CA or SS-061CA-EU
No concentrate available
Auramine- Rhodamine (stains organisms yellowish-orange):
Ready to use: SS-061CAR or SS-061CAR-EU
No concentrate available
Auramine O and Auramine Rhodamine are interchangeable
according to customer preferences.
(D) Reagent: Deionized Water
(E) Reagent: Approved Alcohol:
Methanol: SS-MEOH (available in USA only)
Reagent alcohol
Stain Program Options
The following is an explanation of the user-adjustable staining parameters and how staining
can be affected by adjusting these parameters.
Primary Stain Setting
Increase the setting to increase the primary stain intensity.
Primary Wash Setting
Increase setting to increase washing. A higher setting produces cleaner slides,
but can also impact primary stain intensity.
Decolorizer Setting
Increase setting to increase decolorizer level, washes primary stain out of
background material and non-Acid-Fast-Bacilli (AFB).