Man. NVIP3 – Rel 1.3 EN (UK)
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The kWh generated during the various time bands.
The kVArh generated during the various time bands.
The cost of the kWh absorbed during the various tariff bands, expressed in the currency
selected in the Setup Menu (Sect.
The income expressed in the set currency unit (sect. of the kWh generated during
the different tariff bands.
On any of the Counters Menu pages, press to access the page containing all the
information regarding auxiliary channel counters. In the AUX Menu, the user can
also access the other Auxiliary Channel Menus (Voltages, Currents, Power,
Harmonics, Waveforms) by selecting them with the relevant function keys.
to exit the Auxiliary Menu and return to the first page of the relevant
5.3.5 - Harmonics Menu (1ph)
THD% (Total Harmonic Distortion) for voltage and current, Cos
value and relevant angle
expressed in degrees (the negative sign indicates that current comes before voltage and
that the load is capacitive).