Man. NVIP3 – Rel 1.3 EN (UK)
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Minimum instant values of power and PF (values can be reset as described in Sect. related to the auxiliary channel.
Maximum instant values of power and PF (values can be reset as described in Sect. related to the auxiliary channel.
Load peaks and relevant PF, i.e. the highest average power (calculated on the
basis of the integration time set. Values can be reset as described in Sect.
related to the auxiliary channel.
5.3.4 - Counters Menu (1ph)
Counters of absorbed (P+ Q+) and generated (P- Q-) power, and average value of the PF
calculated as kWh/kVAh ratio.
This page displays the absorbed and/or generated power, and the related costs for the
time bands selected in the Setup Menu (Sect. 4.2.9).
The first page displays the kWh absorbed during the various time bands.
The kVArh absorbed during the various time bands.