Man. NVIP3 – Rel 1.3 EN (UK)
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The counters of the apparent power (kVAh) in each phase and in the three- or two-phase
The counters of the active power
(-kWh) in each phase and in three- or two-
phase connections.
The counters of the reactive power
(-kVarh) in each phase and in the three- or
two-phase connections.
The average PFs calculated as kWh/kVAh ratio (only the real part of the counters is taken
into account; the decimal part is not considered).
This page displays the absorbed and/or generated power, and the related costs for the time
bands selected in the Setup Menu (Sect. 4.2.9).
The first page displays the kWh absorbed during the various time bands.
The kVArh absorbed during the various time bands.