Application manual
Air quality multisensor and regulator EK-ES2-TP
Release 1.0 - Updated: 14/02/2020
Application Manual
© EKINEX S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 97
In Picture 23, the angular displacement of the pin (and valve) α is shown on the horizontal axis, while the
ordinate indicates the flow rate k
of the heat transfer fluid.
When the pin is at 45 ° it is exactly in the center of the neutral zone. A movement limited to 15 ° in any direction
causes it to remain within the neutral zone. Starting from a movement greater than 60 ° (45 ° + 15 °) the 6-way
valve allows the hot fluid flow, while for a movement of less than 30 ° (45 ° - 15 °) the valve allows the cold
fluid flow.
Reversal of the heating / cooling control sequence
If the connection of the hot side and the cold side is reversed during the assembly of the 6-way valve, it is of
utmost importance to avoid disassembling the valve or sending it to the manufacturer for the diaphragms
adjustment operation.
For this purpose, in the ETS application, a parameter is provided for reversing the heating / cooling cycle. In
Temperature control
section, the following option is available (see Picture 24):
not inverted;
Picture 24 - Parameter for the cycle inversion with a 6-way valve
Picture 25 and Picture 26 show the diagrams of the two sequences of the k
parameter, depending on the
valve assembly (not inverted / inverted) selection.