Application manual
Air quality multisensor and regulator EK-ES2-TP
Release 1.0 - Updated: 14/02/2020
Application Manual
© EKINEX S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 8
Two-point (ON/OFF) or proportional (PWM or continuous) room temperature regulation;
Seasonal modes: heating and cooling with possibility of either local or via bus seasonal changeover;
Operating modes: comfort, standby, economy and building protection with different setpoint for heating
and cooling functions;
Automatic switching of the operating modes through presence sensor or window contact;
Weighted average of two temperature values;
Dew-point temperature computation;
Temperature regulation (measured and setpoint, as °C), relative humidity (measured and setpoint in
percentage), air quality as TVOC concentration, in ppb, and CO
equivalent concentration, in ppm,
alarms and errors (with alphanumeric coding);
Relative humidity thresholds setting;
equivalent concentration thresholds setting;
Compatibility with common external sensors, connected to the bus by means of KNX devices, that are
able to send either state or value messages over the bus;
Floor temperature limitation and antincondensation (for radiant panels);
Delayed start of a fan (“hot-start”) with time-scheduling or depending on the water temperature
measured at the coil for thermal exchange;
Compatibility with KNX actuators for the control of VAV flow regulators;
Compatibility with KNX actuators for 6-way zone valves management;
Logic functions (AND, OR, NOT and XOR) availability, in order to implement complex functions in the
building automation system.
Technical data
KNX S-mode bus device
according KNX TP1 standard
dry internal rooms
Environmental conditions
• Operating temperature: - 5 ... + 45°C
• Storage temperature: - 25 ... + 55°C
• Transport temperature: - 25 ... + 70°C
• Relative humidity: 95% not condensating
Power supply
SELV 30 Vdc from bus KNX (auxiliary power supply not necessary)
Current consumption from bus
< 13 mA
Programming elements
1 pushbutton and 1 LED (red) on the front side
Display elements
4 red, 2 blue, 4 white, 2 green, 2 orange and 2 yellow LEDs
Integrated sensors
Temperature, relative humidity and air quality
On round or square wall-mounting box with distance between fixing holes of 60 mm, or
rectangular wall-mounting box with distance between fixing hole of 83.5 mm
• bus: black/red KNX terminal block
Protection degree
Dimensions (WxHxD)
81 x 77 x 24 mm
The device is realised for wall-mounting on either round or square wall box with distance between fixing holes
of 60 mm, or rectangular flush-mounting box (3 slots, italian standard) with distance between fixing holes of
83,5 mm.
The multisensor is equipped with a metallic support for mounting, that can be also ordered separately if
necessary. A plastic adapter and a terminal block for KNX bus line are also included in the package.