Application manual
KNX room temperature controller EK-EQ2-TP
Release 3.00 - Updating: 27/06/2017
Application Manual
© SBS S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 36
The folder
LCD display
includes the following parameters:
Backlight intensity
Automatic backlight dimming
Energy saving
Visualisation type
Time before energy saving mode
Backlight when in energy saving mode
Behaviour on button press
Actual temperature (always displayed)
Temperature setpoint
Perceived temperature
Relative humidity
Relative humidity setpoint
Air quality
Energy saving mode
After a configurable time interval, the room temperature controller switches from normal to energy saving
operation. In this display mode:
the backlight intensity may be reduced;
the information content to be displayed may be reduced (two options: partial and temperature only).
The default backlight of the display can be configured according to the installation location and light
conditions of the room. The backlight intensity can be set to a fixed value (in %).
Information to be displayed
The actual temperature is always displayed; in addition, and depending on individual preferences, other
information can be displayed in sequence: the setpoint temperature (for the current operating mode), the
perceived temperature, the relative humidity, the relative humidity setpoint and the air quality.
Parameter name
Backlight intensity
10% / 20% / 30% / 40% /
60% / 70% / 80% / 90% / 100%
Energy saving
/ enabled
If the parameter Energy saving = enabled, after a certain time interval the
device automatically reduces the backlight intensity and possibly the
information content displayed.
Visualisation type
Energy saving = enabled
temperature only
In addition to the digits,
“temperature only” includes the symbol (°C or °F).
Time before energy saving mode
Energy saving = enabled
10 s
/ 15 s / 30 s
45 s / 1 min