Application manual
KNX room temperature controller EK-EQ2-TP
Release 3.00 - Updating: 27/06/2017
Application Manual
© SBS S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 17
than 3 seconds. All symbols are activated simultaneously; then all the symbols are turned off. In the test
phase keep available the instructions or the user guide.
If you elapse the time set in the parameter "Time to exit change without saving" (General folder) without
pressing a button, the device will return to the previous situation.
The backlight intensity of the LC-display is adjustable. The first setting is done when configuring the device
using ETS, but the intensity can be changed later at any time.
To access the change press simultaneously + (plus) and
(bothon the upper rocker) for more than 3
seconds. All symbols are turned off except the digits and the percentage symbol. The actual value (as a
percentage) of backlight intensity is displayed. At each pressing of + or – the intensity is increased or
decreased by 5%. To confirm the selected intensity press shortly (< 3 seconds) the
symbol either on
the upper rocker. Three rapid flashes of the digits indicate that the new value was saved. If you elapse of
time interval set in the "Time to exit change without saving " (General folder) without pressing any rocker, the
device returns to the previous situation.
The pushbutton with two rockers integrated in the device controls the functions of the thermostat. The set of
two rockers has to be ordered separately; the symbols on the rockers of the set are pre-defined and cannot
be changed. The areas marked by the s (plus) and – (minus) allow you to change a setting (e.g. the
temperature setpoint), while those marked by the symbol ●●●● allow you to display a sequence of
information, to change the operating mode, to control the ventilation, to do the seasonal change-over
(heating to cooling and vice versa) or to confirm a setting change.
The part number of the set EK-TSQ-Gxx-EP2 must be completed with the part (xx) that identifies the
material, color and finishing; for the exact code please refer also to the latest edition of the ekinex product
catalog or the website www.ekinex.com.
Rockers use
Upper rocker
Lower rocker
Functions for room temperature
+ and
and ‒