Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
– Tutti i diritti riservati
Pag. 7
At the end of the upload, the operation of the device automatically returns to normal mode; in this mode the
programming LED is turned off. Now the device is programmed and ready for use on the bus
6 Function Description
After switching on the bus, which also acts as a power supply, the device becomes fully functional after a very
short time needed for reinitialization. A delay is programmable for the device to become active on the bus in order
to avoid a bus traffic overload during the first moments of start-up of the whole network.
In case of a bus power failure (voltage lower than 19 V for 1 s or more), the device becomes unreactive: before
the power supply becomes insufficient, the status is internally stored. The timing functions are not active, neither
are the programmed group addresses.
As soon as the bus voltage is restored, the device will resume operation in its previous state (which is saved on
power fail), unless different initialization settings are programmed
6.1 Offline Operation
A fully unprogrammed device does not operate in standby mode. Since the operation relies entirely on the
exchange of information through communication objects, there is no part of the device that can operate
independently from a KNX bus.
6.2 OnLIne Operation
In general the device works like a configurable digital sensor that is listening to own inputs or outputs of other
devices. On input events the device performs output functionality over KNX bus like sending values or controlling
external devices like KNX actuators.
6.3Software working cycle
The main purpose of the software is following:
Handle user pushbutton presses and generate bus telegrams according to the assigned functions;
Implement pushbutton interlock and timing functions;
reagire ai telegrammi sul bus di richiesta dello stato degli ingressi o delle variabili locali.
Respond to bus messages requesting feedback on the status of the inputs.
The status of the device and specifically of its entities (input activation status) relies on KNX
, which can be freely defined and bound in various ways to the physical elements of the device; these
communication objects acts as
state variables
for the device.
There are also special events on which it is possible to trigger additional features. These events are the bus failure
and recovery, and the download of a new configuration with ETS.
6.4 Pushbotton inputs
The press of a pushbutton can be bound to different effects on a state variable.
6.4.1 Pushbutton input events
A button press can be handled either as an “on-off” event (“on” means when the button is pushed, “off” when it is
released), or as a “short press - long press” event (whereby a time period can be defined to discriminate the
duration of the “long” from the “short” press).