Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
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Pag. 27
Same as comfort extension, in case a forced HVAC mode is used by a supervisor through the communication
HVAC forced mode in
DPT 20.102, the forced operating mode has a higher priority compared to the mode
foreseen by the presence management, so it will prevail.
In case the energy saving management is carried out through window contacts, the latter has a higher priority
compared tor both the forced mode and the mode foreseen by the presence management; whatever operating
mode is forced by the time scheduling function, by presence management or by forced mode, the system switches
to building protection mode when detecting an open window.
Comfort extension and comfort limitation
. This mode is a combination of comfort extension and comfort limitation
9 Programma applicativo per ETS
In the following chapters, there is the list of folder, parameters and communication objects of the application
Every channel, and every input or input pair under a channel, offers the same set of communication objects and
parameters, but they may all be independently configured.
Hereafter, all channel-specific settings are listed grouped by channel; a generic channel number is referenced
as “x” (where x = 1…2), while a generic input is referenced as “xx” (xx = 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B).
I valori dei parametri evidenziati in neretto sono quelli di default.