Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
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Pag. 11
The transmission of telegrams containing data of such format tells the actuator to perform an increase or a
decrease, by an amplitude equal to the specified step, or to stop an ongoing variation.
The increase or decrease of an intensity value by the actuator is not instantaneous but gradual; therefore, an
increase / decrease command with interval equal to the maximum allowed value has the effect of starting the
intensity variation in the desired direction, which will continue until the maximum (or minimum) value has been
reached. Such variation can be stopped, once the desired intensity value has been reached, by sending a “stop”
It is normally possible, and desirable, to have the possibility to instantly switch on or off the load (i.e. to
instantaneously bring its value from 0% to 100%). In order to achieve that, an “On / Off” command based on
another object is used; this is the same object used for the normal load switch, which is present also in absence
of a dimming mechanism.
The command device – in this case, the Input unit – will define the operations to generate a sequence of
commands with an opportune order and time interval, in order to achieve the desired command effect.
The defined operations and related commands are the following:
Figure 1 - Dimmer mode command sequence
Short press: instantaneous switch on / off (toggle on / off on a switch object);
Long press: increase / decrease value until 100% / 0%;
Release: stop increase / decrease.
Please note that the same mechanism can be applied to the shutter or venetian blind control (in that case,
“maximum / minimum” is substituted with “open / close”). For this purpose, the data type (DPT) 3.008 exists,
whose structure and values are identical to those already described; in order to control a shutter with the same
mode, it is possible to connect a communication object type 3.007 command side, to an object type 3.008
actuator side (if foreseen). In this case, obviously, the object type “On / Off” which allows instantaneous switch
on / off is not used
6.4.10 Shutter / venetian blind function
The “Shutter / venetian blind” function is a bundle of application profiles included in KNX specifics. As for dimming
function, such specifics define basic requirements related to interface mechanisms, in addition to which some
aspects regarding the operating modes, peculiar for each device (for both command or actuation devices) are to
be considered