Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
– Tutti i diritti riservati
Pag. 54
It defines the terminal used for the thermal exchange in the room. The choice affects
the parameters of the PWM control algorithm (Proportional band and Integral time) and
the control options.
Control type
2 point hysteresis
PWM (pulse width modulation)
Control type = 2 point hysteresis
0,3 K
[other values in the range 0,2 K … 3 K]
Hysteresis position
Heating type = floor radiant panels, ceiling
radiant panels,
Control type = 2 point hysteresis
/ above
The above hysteresis is suitable in case of special applications requiring mixing group
Cyclic sending interval
Control type = 2 point hysteresis,
no sending
[other values in the range 30 s … 120
Min. change of value to send [%]
Control type = continuous
[range 0 … 100]
PWM cycle time
Control type = PWM
15 min
[range 5 … 240 min]
Proportional band [0,1 K]
Control type = continuous or PWM
[range 0 … 255]
The value is in tenths of Kelvin (K) degree.
*) The field contains a preset value that depend on the selected heating type (the value
can be modified):
radiators: 50 ( 5 K)
electric: 40 (4 K)
fan-coils: 40 (4 K)
floor radiant panels: 50 (5 K)
ceiling radiant panels: 50 (5 K)
The value of the parameter Proportional band represents the max difference between
the setpoint temperature and the measured temperature that causes the max control
Integral time [min]
Control type = continuous or PWM
[other values in the range 0 … 255 min]
*) The field contains a preset value that depend on the selected heating type (the value
can be modified):
radiators: 150 min
electric: 100 min
fan-coils: 90 min
floor radiant panels: 240 min
ceiling radiant panels: 180 min
Min control value [%]
Control type = continuous or PWM
[range 0 … 30]