Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
– Tutti i diritti riservati
Pag. 44
9.2.4 External sensors (from bus)
As “external sensors” are intended KNX-devices (or conventional sensors interfaced to the bus through KNX devices)
which send states or values to the room temperature controller via the bus. Enabling an external sensor, without
connecting the corresponding communication object, generates a permanent alarm on the display and suspends the
thermoregulation function.
The folder
External sensors (from bus)
includes the following parameters:
Room brightness
Room temperature
Relative humidity
Antistratification temperature
Outdoor temperature
Floor surface temperature
Flow temperature
Window contact X (X = 1, 2)
Presence sensor X (X = 1, 2)
Card holder contact
Sensor timeout
Parameter and communication object tables
Parameter name
Room temperature
/ enabled
It enables a bus temperature sensor. The measured value can be used to
calculate a weighted average value in combination with the temperature sensor
integrated into the device or a temperature sensor connected to a device input.
Cyclic reading interval
Room temperature = enabled
no reading
[other values in the range 30 s … 120 min]
If the parameter is set to “no reading”, the corresponding communication
object must be updated by the remote device sending data. With any different
value, data are updated with a reading request by the room thermostat.
Relative humidity
/ enabled
Humidity CO dimension
Relative humidity = enabled
byte (DPT 5.001)
byte (DPT 9.007)
Cyclic reading interval
Relative humidity = enabled
no reading
[other values in the range 30 s … 120 min]
Antistratification temperature
/ enabled
It enables a temperature bus sensor to carry out the antistratification function.
Cyclic reading interval
Antistratification temperature = enabled
no reading
[other values in the range 30 s … 120 min]