Applicatio Manual
Universal Interface 4 DIN/NTC EK- CG2-TP
Revisione 1.0.0 - Aggiornato: 04/09/2017
© SBS S.p.A.
– Tutti i diritti riservati
Pag. 12
In case of shutters, the actuator brings a mechanic component from one point to another in a gradual way, with
possibility to stop at intermediate points; the command is carried out by 2 lines which, when activated (one line at
a time) make the actuator move in the corresponding direction.
A venetian blind is essentially a shutter that, in addition to the up / down movement, is also equipped with slats
that can be opened / closed same way as a shutter (gradual movement between extreme points). The peculiarity
is that normally the slat’s movement and the up / down movement are controlled by the same two lines; therefore,
the activation of the electromechanic device must be carried out according to a specific sequence. For further
detail please check the actuator’s documentation; in this document all we need to point out is that, command side,
the control sequences can be considered as independent from these aspects.
The basic control for a shutter or a venetian blind is essentially based on three 1-bit communication objects:
Move Up/Down
Stop – Step Up/Down
Dedicated Stop
The effect of the commands linked to these objects is the following:
The command “Move”, when received, starts the movement of the shutter in the indicated direction.
The command “Stop – Step” has two functions: if the shutter is stopped, it moves by one step in the
indicated direction (the duration is set in the actuator), if not, it stops the ongoing movement without
doing anything else.
The command “Stop” just stops the ongoing movement.
In addition, other types of control objects are normally available (“dimmer” type, absolute position, etc.) but they
are not part of the basic control on which this manual is about; for further information please refer to the actuators’
manual or KNX specifics.
In the simplest version, on command side:
In order to control a shutter at least the objects “Move” and “Stop” are required (and present).
In order to control a venetian blind at least the objects “Move” and “Stop – Step” are required (and
On actuator side – whether it is a shutter or a venetian blind – the presence of objects “Move” and “Stop – Step”
must be guaranteed, while the presence of the object “Stop” is optional (but usually present).
As for the operations to perform on the command device, in our specific case the Input unit, in order to generate
a sequence of these commands with the proper order and time interval, there are multiple possibilities.
In case of ekinex input devices, two modes are available – indicated as “Shutter” and “Venetian blind” based on
their typical destination – which are illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 2 - “Shutter” mode command sequence