Chapter 11: Installer Test Modes
Installer Walk Test Mode
Upon entering this section, the message shown here will be
displayed. During the Walk Test, the Sounder will sound a loud
series of beeps as each zone is opened.
Note that Motion Detectors may not sound an alarm as they may have entered their High
Traffic Shutdown Mode. Refer to Chapter 4D: Module Placement and Testing for
instructions on testing Motion Detectors.
Module Placement Test
This test allows the Installer to determine the suitability of a proposed location for a system
component. Refer to Chapter 4: Module Placement and Testing for more information.
Sounder Test
Upon entering this section, the message shown here will be
displayed and all enrolled Sounders will sound steady alarm at
low, medium, and then high volume. The alarm will sound for a few
seconds at each volume.
Manual Dialer Test
When this section is entered, the communicator will transmit the Periodic Test Transmission
Reporting Code programmed in Section [38] to the monitoring station.
Chapter 11: Installer Test Modes