DSC Security Products has made a multimillion dollar investment into the wireless security
market. The Marquis System will be the first of many products to revolutionize the wireless
security industry.
short list of advantages:
• Twelve minute supervisory times versus fifty to sixty minutes
• Six hour supervisory window versus twelve or twenty-four hour
• Standard batteries versus specialized batteries
• High power transmitters versus low power transmitters for better range and propagation
• 3.2" versus 9" ¼ wavelength signal for better propagation
Our new Marquis Supervised Wireless Security System is the culmination of four years of
engineering effort. It is the first Spread Spectrum system to combine true supervision and a
very high level of security into a wireless system.
The Marquis Controller is unique. While it houses the highly sensitive RF receiver and
communicator, it can be mounted almost anywhere, possibly in the bedroom by the bedside
table. Or the Controller can be mounted in a more traditional location near the telephone line
interface. One of the Controller’s unique features is its three built-in communication jacks
which will reduce your installation time.
We felt that in order for wireless to be secure, the Controller had to be separated from the
Keypad. The Marquis Keypad is a full-featured two-way 900MHz wireless device which is used
to program and operate the system from anywhere in or around the premises.
The industry said that it wanted a truly reliable wireless Sounder. The Marquis System’s
wireless Sounder is a 900Mhz transceiver. The Controller and the Sounders are continually
communicating back and forth, confirming everything each step of the way.
Instead of dual spacial diversity, where the receiver has two antennas in the same location,
DSC chose to incorporate true diversity. Each device in the system now has two paths it takes
to the Controller: each transmitter sends directly to the Controller, and to the supervised
Sounder which relays the signal to the Controller, thus providing a true second pathway.
In addition DSC has also been working on other wireless products, such as the LINKS
of Long Range Radio and Cellular Communicators. To date, thousands of LINKS
are installed and in use all over North America. DSC’s commitment to wireless products is
total. DSC has a group of RF engineering specialists, which is something many of our
competitors only wish they could do.
We are confident that your first experience with the Marquis Security System will be positive.
Let us know what you think. Forward your comments to:
DSC Security Products Limited
c/o Product Manager, Wireless Security Systems
1645 Flint Road
Downsview, Ontario
M3J 2J6