9 Fire
Fire Zones are 24-hour zones used specifically for fire detection devices.
Smoke Detectors must be programmed as Fire Zones. Do not use any other Zone Definition
for Smoke Detectors.
On alarm, the Sounders will sound a loud beep; the beep may be programmed as either
pulsed or steady. Alarm signals will be reported as they occur unless a Fire Transmission
Delay is programmed. Refer to Section [39] for instructions on programming the Fire
Safety Transmission Delay.
If any key is pressed during a Fire Safety Transmission Delay, the alarm will be silenced.
The alarm will also be silenced if the smoke detector on the zone is restored before the
Fire Safety Transmission Delay expires. If a keypad is in use when a Fire Zone goes into
alarm, pressing [#] during the Fire Safety Transmission Delay will also silence the alarm.
If the smoke detector is still in alarm 90 seconds after the Fire Alarm is silenced, the Fire
Safety Transmission Delay will begin again and the Sounders will again sound a loud
pulsing or steady beep. Again, any key may be pressed to silence the alarm, allowing the
user to prevent false alarms triggered by cooking smoke or other causes.
If the alarm is not silenced, the alarm will latch and will be transmitted to the monitoring station
(if a reporting code is programmed). When the alarm is transmitted, the Fire Alarm Cut-off time
programmed in Section [02] will begin; the Sounders will sound the fire alarm until the Fire
Alarm Cut-off time expires, or until an Access Code is entered on a Keypad.
If a second Fire Zone goes into alarm or if the [F] Key is pressed during the Fire Safety
Transmission Delay, the delay will be cancelled and the fire alarms will be transmitted to the
Monitoring Station immediately (if reporting codes are programmed).
System Times
Enter five 3-digit times in this section. The valid range for each entry is listed. Do not enter
hexadecimal values or “000”. The following items are programmed in this section:
• Entry Delay 1 Time (in 001 - 255 seconds)
• Entry Delay 2 Time (in 001 - 255 seconds)
• Exit Delay Time (in 001 - 255 seconds)
• Burglary Alarm Cut-off Time (in 001 - 255 minutes)
• Fire Alarm Cut-off Time (in 001 - 255 minutes)
Installer’s Code
Enter a 4-digit Installer’s Code in this section. The default Installer’s Code is [0900]. Enter the
code using the numbers “0” through “9”; do not press [
] or [#].
Master Code
Enter a 4-digit Master Code in this section. The default Master Code is [1234]. Enter the code
using the numbers “0” through “9”; do not press [
] or [#].
Chapter 8: System Programming Sections