1 Delay 2
The Delay 2 zone operates in the same manner as the Delay 1 zone but with a different
Entry Delay. The Delay 2 Entry Delay is programmed in Section [02].
2 Instant
This zone type will generate an instant alarm if the zone is opened while the system is armed.
3 Interior
This zone type will only have an Entry Delay if a Delay zone is opened before the Interior
zone is activated.
When the system is armed in the Home Mode, Interior zones will be automatically
bypassed. This feature allows the system to be armed while the user remains on the
Interior zones may be set to operate in the same manner as Delay 1 zones; refer to [07] Third
System Option Code, Interior Zone with Delay Enable / Disable.
When Interior Zone with Delay is enabled,
Interior zones will function in the same manner
as Delay 1 zones when the system is armed in the Away Mode.
When Interior Zone with Delay is disabled,
an immediate alarm will be generated if an
Interior zone is activated before a Delay zone while the system is armed in the Away Mode.
The Interior Zone with Delay function is programmed in Section [07] with Item 4.
4 24-hour Zone
24-hour Zone can generate an alarm whether the rest of the system is armed or
disarmed. If programmed as Audible, the Sounder will sound at full volume. If
programmed to report to a monitoring station, the 24-hour Zone Alarm Reporting Code
will be transmitted immediately without a transmission delay.
24-hour Zones intended for silent operation must be programmed as Type 4 zones; the
Type 5 24-hour Zone may not be used as a silent 24-hour Zone.
5 24-hour Medium Buzzer Zone
24-hour Medium Buzzer Zones function in the same manner as 24-hour Zones, except
that they activate the Sounder at medium volume.
24-hour Medium Buzzer Zones may not be used as silent 24-hour Zones.
6 For Future Use
“6” is not valid as a zone definition and is reserved for future use.
7 For Future Use
“7” is not valid as a zone definition and is reserved for future use.
8 Keyswitch Arm
Keyswitch Arm zones are used for arming and disarming the system, and to silence the
Sounder after an alarm. A Keyswitch Zone may be set up by connecting a keyswitch to
the external contacts of a Universal Transmitter. When the Keyswitch zone is activated,
the Exit Delay will begin. When the Keyswitch zone is secured, the system will be
disarmed. If a Keypad is in use or if a zone is open when the Keyswitch Arm zone is
activated, a loud error tone will sound and the system will not arm. If programmed to do
so, the Master Code opening and closing reporting codes will be transmitted to report
Keyswitch activity.
The keyswitch used must be a two position lock.
Chapter 8: System Programming Sections