Communication Variables
Program six 3-digit codes in this section. Valid entries for all except the Swinger Shutdown
Counter are from 000 to 255;
do not enter hexadecimal numbers.
The following
communicator functions are programmed in this section:
Swinger Shutdown Counter (number of transmissions)
The Swinger Shutdown feature does not apply to Fire Zones; Fire Zone transmissions will
never be shut down.
The Swinger Shutdown Counter determines the maximum number of transmissions that will
be made for a zone during the armed period. Once the number of transmissions is reached,
alarms from the zone will no longer be transmitted but will still be indicated on the Sounder
and Keypad. Valid entries for the Swinger Shutdown Counter are from 000 to 015.
The system may be programmed so that the Sounder will no longer sound for alarms after
the programmed number of alarms is reached; refer to Section [05] Item 5.
The Swinger Shutdown Counter will be reset according to the setting of Option 4 in Section
[42]. When set to “transmissions limited to 24-hour period”, the Swinger Shutdown counter
will be reset at 00:00 (midnight) every day and when the system is next armed. When set to
“transmissions limited to armed period”, the Swinger Shutdown counter will be reset when
the system is next armed.
Delay Before Transmission for Burglary Zones (seconds)
Delay Before Transmission determines the delay, in seconds, before an alarm is transmitted
after a zone goes into alarm. If the system is disarmed during the transmission delay, the
alarm will not be transmitted. The Delay Before Transmission feature is intended to help
prevent false alarms by providing time to allow the user to cancel accidental alarms.
Note that the Fire and 24-hour Zones are not affected by the Delay Before Transmission
AC Failure Transmission Delay (minutes)
AC Failure Transmission Delay determines the delay, in minutes, before an AC Failure
Trouble is transmitted. This delay time is intended to prevent multiple troubles and restorals
from being transmitted when intermittent AC power problems are encountered.
Test Transmission Cycle (days)
The Test Transmission Cycle time determines how often, in days, the Periodic Test
Transmission Code is transmitted to the monitoring station, or how often the Downloading
computer is called if Periodic Downloading is enabled.
Fire Safety Transmission Delay (seconds)
When a Fire Alarm is generated, the system will wait for the Fire Safety Transmission Delay
to expire before a fire alarm transmission is made. If the alarm is silenced during the delay,
the fire alarm will not be transmitted. This feature is intended to prevent false alarms by
allowing the user to cancel false alarms.
Refer to the Zone Definitions section 8-09 of this manual for more information on the
operation of Fire Zones.
Zone Low Battery Transmission Delay (days)
The Zone Low Battery Transmission Delay is used to delay the transmission of zone low
battery transmissions. When a zone reports a low battery condition, the trouble condition will
be indicated immediately on the Keypad, but the transmission to the monitoring station will
be delayed by the time programmed here. If the user does not correct the low battery
condition by the time this delay expires, the low battery condition will be transmitted.
Low battery conditions should be corrected as soon as possible. Low Battery Trouble and
Low Battery Restoral Codes will only be reported once during each armed period.
Chapter 9: Communications Programming Sections