• It is important that the dispersion assembly is positioned where the water
vapor being discharged is carried off with the airstream and is absorbed
before it can cause condensation or dripping in the duct.
• Non-wetting distance is the dimension downstream from the leaving
side of the steam dispersion assembly to the point where wetting will
not occur, although wisps of steam may be present. This distance was
calculated during humidification system design and is dependent on
several application parameters. To determine your dispersion assembly’s
non-wetting distance, consult your system’s design engineer or project
documentation. Non-wetting distance can also be calculated using
DriSteem’s DriCalc sizing and selection software, available at
www.dristeem.com. Note that your current design conditions may vary from
conditions used for system design.
• In general, the dispersion assembly is best placed where the air can most
readily absorb the moisture being added without causing condensation
at or after the unit. This normally is after the heating coil or where the air
temperature is highest.
• Place the dispersion assembly so that absorption occurs before the intake
of a high efficiency filter. The filter can remove the visible moisture and
become waterlogged.
• Place the dispersion assembly so absorption occurs before coming in
contact with any metal surface.
• Place the dispersion assembly so absorption occurs before fire or smoke
detection devices.
• Place the dispersion assembly so absorption occurs before a split in the
duct. Otherwise, the dispersion assembly may direct more moisture into one
duct than the other.
• When draining dispersion condensate to an open drain, provide a 1"
(25 mm) gap between the condensate drain piping and the drain. Locate
air gap only in spaces with adequate temperature and air movement to
absorb flash steam; otherwise, condensing on nearby surfaces may occur.
• Refer to the Interconnecting Piping Instructions for further information
(Part #: 890000-631).
Selecting a dispersion location