Machine Description
Operating Instructions
© Copyright by Markem-Imaje CSAT GmbH
Page 136 / 370
Subject to Technical Modifications
Access restriction
Print unit is password-protected. The operating panel and its various func-
tions are only activated as long as the username of the most recently
logged on person in the footer of the touchscreen.
If access is blocked or if nobody has logged on, all operating elements and
registers of the touchscreen are blocked with the exception of the log-on
key and the help page. This also applies for start, stop and feeds keys
above the touchscreen.
To log on, enter username and password. After that, the functions corre-
sponding to the user rights of the respective operator are released.
When the log-on key with the blue user icon of the released touchscreen is
touched it becomes grey and the operating panel is immediately blocked.
In case that the touchscreen is not operated for a longer period, it is possi-
ble to install an automatic block. This is currently not available. If neces-
sary, the automatic block can be implemented by the CSAT.
The Emergency Stop button of the printer is not included in the access re-
striction; it can therefore always be used.
The printer’s display
The touchscreen of the control panel enables convenient operation of the
ITS6. The operating status of the ITS6 and the control functions are ar-
ranged clearly on a graphic display.
The touchscreen of the printer allows the operator to enter data and set-
tings, to retrieve nominal and actual conditions, and to monitor various
components. Changed settings are stored in so-called format files
– for
short: "Format"
– on the hard disk of the on-line computer. When changes
are made, a new format file is stored under the same name but with a new
revision. This way an old format file can always be retrieved again.
There is also the possibility of creating and storing detailed log files, in
which details of all of the events, switching processes, and values meas-
ured during a print job are recorded.
The display has a touch-sensitive surface (touchscreen) with the so-called
touch elements.