Please take a few minutes to carefully inspect your new Pressure Myograph System for damage, which
may have occurred during handling and shipping. If you suspect any kind of damage, please contact
us immediately and the matter will be pursued as soon as possible. If the packing material appears
damaged, please retain it until a possible claim has been settled.
We recommend that you store the packing material for any possible future transport of the Pressure
Myograph System. In case of transport, and the original packing material is unavailable, please contact
the DMT Sales Department for advice and packing instructions. After unpacking your new Pressure
Myograph System, please use the following list to check that the system is complete:
Pressure Interface
• Pressure Interface-to-chamber cable with a temperature probe
• Power adapter (the shape of the AC plug varies by country; be sure that the plug has the right shape
for your location)
• USB cables for PC connection.
• Atlas Copco Cablair hose for main pressure supply
• Two 500ml Schott Duran Bottles with specially designed screw caps
Pressure Myograph (114P or 112PP)
• Force calibration kit (including “bridge”, “balance” and 2-gram weight)
• Resistance tube shunt (calibration tube)
• Two glass cannulas
• Chamber cover
Riester “Big Ben” Pressure Manometer Peristaltic pump for superfusion flow (optional):
Watson Marlow peristaltic pump
FlowMeter – 162FM (optional)
• MyoFlow™ FlowMeter software including drivers (CD-ROM)
• User manual “FlowMeter – 162FM”
Microscope (optional)
• DMT inverted Microscope, Inverted Zeiss, Olympus, Nikon or Motic etc.