6. Close the inlet from the Pressure Interface o P1 by turning the handle on the 3-way valve towards the
normal inlet way, see figure 3.5. The inlet to P1 now comes from the pressure manometer and the
Pressure Myograph system is now ready for a calibration procedure.
Figure 3.5 Three-way valve flow settings at P1 Set-up the pressure calibration on the Pressure Interface for the 114P System
Press Settings in the Main Menu and then press Pressure Calibration. The set-up to perform the pressure
transducer calibration procedure is illustrated in figure 3.2. Carefully follow the procedure described
below to calibrate the Pressure Myograph System. The calibration procedure is listed in 5 individual steps
and needs to be performed one at a time to calibrate the system.
Step 1 - Press NEXT STEP when the system is ready.