KR 805
Waste disposal
11 Waste
Consider such issues as environmental compatibility, health hazards, waste disposal regulations and
the local facilities for disposal in compliance with regulations.
Waste disposal of the machine is the responsibility of the operator. He is responsible for disposing of
the machine carefully and in compliance with the current local regulations. In particular, he must ob-
serve the following instructions:
Before dismantling the machine, all external connections must be broken.
Pull out the mains plug from the mains socket and remove the mains plug from the electric cable.
Only the maintenance staff must be allowed to dismantle the machine.
When finally decommissioning the machine, proceed as follows:
In compliance with regulations, dispose of hazardous materials as special waste.
Separate out parts made of plastic and dispose of them for recycling.
Pre-sort metal parts and separate them ready for shredding or scrapping.