Digium, Inc.
Page 58
Chapter 3: Telephone System Configuration
Prepend These Digits - This option gives you the opportunity to add
digits to the front of the call string before the call is dialed and placed
through the fail over trunk. For example, a 3 digit area code could be
prepended to a 7 digit string for calls to a service provider which
requires 10 digit dialing.
Note: You may also prepend the ‘w’ character for analog trunks to
provide a 500ms delay before dialing. This is useful if your
telecommunications provider does not immediately provide dial tone
after going off hook.
Use Failover Trunk - Failover trunks can be used to ensure that a call
goes through if the primary trunk is busy or down. If the Use Failover
Trunk checkbox is selected and Fail Over Trunk is specified, then
calls that can not be placed through the primary trunk will be placed
through this alternate route. If your primary trunk is a VoIP trunk, but
you want calls to be placed through the PSTN when the VoIP trunk
isn’t available, then this option will suit your needs.
Once you have completed the calling rule definition click Save to accept
the rule or Cancel to abandon your changes. Click Apply Changes in the
upper right corner of the page to make your changes immediately
available. Click Edit next to a rule on the calling rule list to edit a
previously defined rule, or Delete to delete the rule.