Digium, Inc.
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Appendix C: Asterisk Appliance 50 (AA50) License Agreement
any upgrades, updates, bug fixes or modified versions (“Upgrades”) or
backup copies of the Software supplied to you by Digium or an
authorized reseller, provided you hold a valid license to the original
Software and have paid any applicable fee for Upgrades.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Digium acknowledges that certain
components of the Software are licensed for distribution under so-
called “open source” software licenses (“Open Source Components”).
Digium provides a list of these Open Source Components for the
initially distributed version of the Software in Exhibit B, along with
their respective licenses. To the extent the terms of the license
applicable to an Open Source Component prohibit any of the
restrictions in this Agreement with respect to such Open Source
Component, such restrictions will not apply to such Open Source
RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Except for the limited license rights
expressly granted in this Agreement, Digium reserves all rights in and
to the Software and any modifications thereto, including title,
ownership, trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret and any other
rights and interests. You will own only the Hardware (exclusive of
Software embedded in the Hardware) and the physical media on which
the Software and associated documentation are reproduced and
distributed. If you allow an existing Services or Subscription
Agreement plan to lapse, you may be required to pay retroactively
annual fees for all Products from the date of the lapse in order to
reinstate such Services. Products that are provided or sold as demo or
evaluation units, or are marked with the legend “For Evaluation Only”
or a similar notation, are not authorized for commercial business use in
production or deployment, but are made available only for
demonstration or evaluation purposes, and may not be resold or