Maintenance Manual Electronic Hardware Overview
____________________________________________________________________________________________ Memories
As memory support must be intended the hardware support for the software, so it includes
registers, memories and logic providing their addressing.
The memories supports can be resident and/or optional and can be located in the 16 MB
addressability provided by the microprocessor with a rescriction for the "code" type that is
located at the first mega address.
Resident Memory :
CONTROLLER EPROM i.c. up to 512 KBytes x 8 (4 Mb)
GENERATOR EPROM i.c. up to 512 KBytes x 8 (4 Mb)
Optional Memory : Memory Card, OTP or SRAM types up to 256 KBytes x 8 (2 Mb) Operator Panel
For the operator panel management, a serial port (Port 3) of the µprocessor is used in
synchronous mode to enable lines.
In addition, inside the ASIC, a control register (Reg. 3) is provided for the access to the
register located on the operator panel specific board.
On the operator panel board a specific registers are used to drive the LCD, the LEDs and
Port 3 Enable serial synchronous lines
Reg. 3 Operator Panel control register
- Latching strobe for the status selected by the means of the
O.P. selection lines in read mode
- Kind of the data to send to LCD in write mode
- Read/Write type access on O.P. board register
- O.P. status selection in read mode or latch for LEDs register
in write mode
- O.P. status selection in read mode or latch for LCDs register
in write mode
- O.P. status selection in read mode or latch for KEYs register
in write mode
Reg. LED LEDs output data lines.
Reg. LCD LCD input data lines.
Reg. KEY1-2 Push Button input lines. Serial lnterface Board
The logical hardware support are provided on the basic board by the means of specific port
on the µprocessor and register on ASIC.
This board provides only the physical connection with the line receivers and drivers
intergrated circuits.
LA400 Multiprinter 3. 9 ER-LA400-SV