Maintenance Manual HW Setting & FW Installation
9.1 Overview
This section describes the hardware setting and the correct FW mounting.
9.1.1 Hardware Setting
There are some personalization jumpers inside the printer.
On this board near the parallel interface connector a 2 pins connector with a jumper
allows the availability of the + 5 V on the pin 18 of the parallel interface (typ. 100 mA,
max. 250 mA).
The jumper is shown in the figure 9.1 below as J01.
If the jumper is only in position 1 (default setting), the + 5V is not available at the
external side.
If the jumper is in position 1-2 the + 5V is available at the external side.
On the main board you find also an insulated washer (default setting) as indicated in the
figure 9.2 (item 1).
This washer insulates the Frame Ground (chassis) fronm the DC Ground (in any case the
two grounds are connected through a resistor of some K
to discharge any capacitance).
If a particolar connection requires these grounds being connected, it is indispensable to
remove this washer.
The pin 17 (frame ground) of the parallel interface is connected to the Frame Ground.
On this board a 2 pin connector without jumper (default setting) is present.
This connection is only for Manufacturing purpose only.
The jumper is shown in the figure 9.3 as J02.
On this board a 2 pin connector with a jumper installed (default setting) is present.
This jumper allows the connection of the pin 1 of the serial interface connector to the
Frame Ground.
If a particular connection requires these pins not being connected together, it is
necessary to remove this jumper.
The jumper is shown in the figure 9.4 as J03.
9.1.2 Firmware Installation
The FirmWare installed on these printers is composed of two 4 MB dual in line type
eproms installed as indicated in figure 9.1.
The eprom indicated as U50 is the CONTROLLER FW.
The eprom indicated as U108 is the GENERATOR FW.
LA400 Multiprinter 9. 2 ER-LA400-SV