— DECmpp Sx octagon net test
command tests the ability of processor elements (PE) to shift data
using the xnet. The test takes a 32-bit pattern and does a zero distance 32-bit
xnet move north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and finally
northwest. It compares the value received by northwest with the value originally
sent. It repeats the test, successively increasing the distance, until data is shifted
a distance of 2048.
If an error occurs, the test reports the size of the octagon loop (the distance
shifted) encountering the error. Nothing further can be inferred about the
location of the fault. However, when this happens, the test then uses peek/poke
to check each PE for parity error. It reports the exact location of the offending
PE. Although it is possible that some other failure mechanism could cause a data
errror in the octagon shift ring, it is most likely to be a parity error.
Use this option to specify the Burn-in test. This runs the diagnostic repetitively,
reporting the error count at the end of each pass.
Use this option to specify quick test. This selects a brief version of some of the
Use this option to specify terse message style. The test prints only the most
essential messages.
—Executable binary
Data Parallel Unit Reference Pages B–9