5.3 Interpreting Log File Messages
5.3.1 The ./LOG File
All diagnostic programs scroll output to the screen and copy it to the LOG file in
the current directory (directory in which you executed diagnostics). If a LOG file
already exists, diagnostic output is appended to it.
If you do not have write-permission in the directory from which you are running
the diagnostics, the LOG file is not changed.
Most tests produce more than a screenful of output, and you may want to edit
the LOG. The LOG files can become quite large, especially in the default verbose
mode. The
utility is useful for displaying keywords and obtaining a quick
summary. For example, entering
and pressing Return produces
a list of all the failure messages.
LOG output and contents are similar to the following examples. LOG file
messages are described below.
Example of Standard Messages:
Start of diagnostic test: ACU HARDWARE VME REGISTERS TEST (acu_reg1)
Timestamp: Mon May
6 09:43:43 1991
Standard length tests
Standard messages
$Revision: 1.5 $
PASSED.... ECSR register test: 0 errors
PASSED.... Page Table registers test: 0 errors
FAILED.... Instruction Memory register test: 1 error
PASSED.... Master Interrupt Registers Test: 0 errors
FAILED.... Instruction DMA Registers test: 2 errors
PASSED.... Microcode Registers Test: 0 errors
PASSED.... Serial Scan Registers test: 0 errors
PASSED.... MAPCSR Register Test: 0 errors
SUMMARY... ACU HARDWARE VME REGISTERS TEST (acu_reg1). 3 errors, 0 aborts
End of diagnostic test: ACU HARDWARE VME REGISTERS TEST (acu_reg1)
Timestamp: Mon May
6 09:43:46 1991
Example of Terse Messages:
Start of diagnostic test: ACU HARDWARE VME REGISTERS TEST (acu_reg1)
Timestamp: Mon May
6 09:44:06 1991
Standard length tests
Terse messages
$Revision: 1.5 $
SUMMARY... ACU HARDWARE VME REGISTERS TEST (acu_reg1). 3 errors, 0 aborts
End of diagnostic test: ACU HARDWARE VME REGISTERS TEST (acu_reg1)
Timestamp: Mon May
6 09:44:09 1991
5–8 Using Diagnostic Software