Use this option to specify a system maximum time limit (t), in seconds, for all
Use this option to prevent the job manager from putting itself in background.
Use this option to specify the default amount of PE memory (in KB) that each job
is assigned. The default is one partition, determined by the -jobs option.
Use this option to specify the amount of time allocated to a time slice, in
milliseconds. The default is 10000 (10 seconds). Warning: a value of less than
3000 (3 seconds) will most likely result in thrashing.
Use this option to suppress printing of the copyright notice.
Pending jobs hang if the job manager terminates abnormally. In this instance, it
is necessary to kill all such jobs manually; they will never be granted access to
the DPU even when the job manager is restarted.
The job manager must always be executed with root privileges.
The job manager log (
) is a plain-text file containing
a time-stamped entry for each significant event detected by the job manager.
All faults detected by the job manager or the background diagnostic process are
reported in this log file. In addition, an entry is made when the job manager
starts up, shuts down, or loads microcode.
When a fault is detected that requires termination of a job, the job manager sends
an IOT (6) signal to the mppehook or mppeback process that is controlling that
job. If there is no mppehook/mppeback process, a hangup (1) signal is used.
— Log file
— Job accounting file
— DPU configuration file
— ACU kernel
— Default microcode image for DECmpp 12000–LC
— Default microcode image for DECmpp 12000
— Dummy microcode used during initialization
See Also
mpi(1), mpq(1), mplimit(1), mpstat(1), dpuDevice(3), acu(4), mpd(8),
Data Parallel Unit Reference Pages B–67