- WAYPOINT HEIGHT, this is the height of the waypoint: this is given (in mt x10),
from the same name of the wp setup in the GPS route (eg MIL157 = waypoint MIL
with height 1570mt). If you don’t set this value up in the GPS, the default value is
used from parameter 38 qnhw. To change this setting, go to the 38 QNHV
parameter and press
to memorize the
Yo u r
V L 1 0 0
c a n
b e
connected to a GPS (using
you position the GPS to the
left of the VL100.
- HEIGHT PER DISTANCE IN KM FROM WP (param. 37 hwp): If you don't set this
parameter, the navigational calculation wil be based on acquired waypoint
distance data, wp height, and your actual height, with this we can see whether
we'll arriva at the wp or not. In this case we are introducing a safety factor, with just
this parameter we are artificially adjusting the height. If we leave it at zero, we
maintain the actual values. If we set it to 10, we indicate that for every km of
distance from the waypoint, we want to arrive with 10 metres of height, That
means that if we are 10 kms from the wp, we want to arrive with 100mt of height
over the wp. The average efficiency (best glide) is updated continuously during the
flight, and gets “frozen” whenever we hit lift.. From al this we can see that we can
choose to fly in one of two ways: at best speed, simply by following the STF, or at
best glide trying to keep the height at wp (GOTO) at zero. Put simply, if our glide is
towards a goal, (for more reason in a race), we need to keep the height at goal at
zero in order to use the best speed tp get to goal as quickly as possible. On the
other hand, if our objective is an area where we expect to find more lift, we need to
follow the STF in order to get the best efficiency during the traverse. Now you can
begin to see the many possibilities this instrument has not only to help the flight but
also to improve it. This parameter can be set from 0 to 20, default is 2, (remember
to multiply by 10mt). To change this setting, go to the 3 HVP parameter and press
memorize the value.
and press
Connecting to GPS
the value will start to flash, to change the value press
to set the height at his point: remember that each unit corresponds to 10mt, that
is, 100 = 1000mt. This value can be set from 0-999. Press
the value will start to flash, to change the value press
tocol NMEA0183 -
Baud rate 4800 - set this up
on the GPS from the
interface setting). The
VL100 will work with
Garmin and MLR GPS
m o d e l .
T o
a v o i d
interference, we su