Dialogic® Vision™ CX Video Gateway Administration Manual
SIP interface
ISUP to SIP cause values
The following table shows the default ISUP cause code to SIP response. This
mapping follows RFC 3398, ISUP to SIP Mapping.
ISUP cause value
SIP response
Normal event
1 Unallocated number
404 Not found
2 No route to network
404 Not found
3 No route to destination
404 Not found
16 Normal call clearing
(Typically results in a BYE or CANCEL)
17 User busy
486 Busy here
18 No user responding
408 Request timeout
19 No answer from user
480 Temporarily unavailable
20 Subscriber absent
480 Temporarily unavailable
21 Call rejected
403 Forbidden
22 Number changed (without diagnostic)
410 Gone
22 Number changed (with diagnostic)
301 Moved permanently
23 Redirection to new destination
410 Gone
26 Non-selected user clearing
404 Not found
27 Destination out of order
502 Bad gateway
28 Address incomplete
484 Address incomplete
29 Facility rejected
510 Not implemented
31 Normal unspecified
480 Temporarily unavailable or Resource
34 No circuit available
503 Service unavailable
38 Network out of order
503 Service unavailable
41 Temporary failure
503 Service unavailable
42 Switching equipment congestion
503 Service unavailable
47 Resource unavailable
503 Service unavailable
55 Incoming calls barred within CUG
403 Forbidden
57 Bearer capability not authorized
403 Forbidden
58 Bearer capability not presently available
503 Service unavailable
65 Bearer capability not implemented
488 Not acceptable here
70 Only restricted digital bearer capability available
488 Not acceptable here
(national use)
79 Service or option not implemented
501 Not implemented