Check “Disable report generation” if you want to perform the adjustment procedure without
documenting it at the end of the adjustment procedure. PDF calibration certificate for the
adjustment procedure is never generated anyway.
When ready, press Start to begin with an adjustment procedure.
After pressing “Start” the UUT will be immediately adjusted and the existing calibration factors
will be overwritten. If it is necessary to document also the actual state of calibration (“as found”
state) a calibration check must be made before an adjustment!
If UUT is a Sirius HD UUT, for modules consider selecting the Motherboard and modules 1-4 in
the first pass, and select modules 5-8 in the second pass. Connect appropriately all the
channels according to the 9.4 Sirius modules, page 47.
8.2. Calibration check
After clicking on the Calibration check button a window will appear as shown on Illustration 18. Here it is
necessary to adjust the following settings before starting a check procedure:
Illustration 19: Calibration check procedure in progress
Selection of Test groups is performed automatically. Changes to selection for calibration check
procedure can be made is this is desired by the user (see chapter Omission of tests).
Select the modules that you want to make a calibration check on.
Enter the environmental conditions (ambient temperature and humidity).
DS-CAL V20-1