Example Data read: (01)94901234567894(11)030808(13)030810(17)040208(17)040305
Code ID mark: Disable, Header: STX, Terminator: ETX, Transmission of the number of digits: Disable,
BCC: Disable, Prefix/Suffix: None
Extraction conditions
AIs specified
Output data
01,11,17 [STX]94901234567894,030808,040208[ETX]
17,11 [STX]040208,030808[ETX]
17,17 [STX]040208,040305[ETX]
12 Error
01,12 Error
01,01 Error
"Data transfer
regardless of error
result": Prohibit
01,11,17 [STX]94901234567894,030808,040208[ETX]
17,11 [STX]040208,030808[ETX]
17,17 [STX]040208,040305[ETX]
"Data transfer
regardless of error
result": Permit
(Note 1) Element strings will be output in the order of AIs specified.
(Note 2) If data read contains two or more element strings prefixed with the same AI, those element strings will be output in
the order arranged in that data read.
(Note 3) If data read does not contain a string prefixed with the specified AI or it contains such data but its number of digits
is more or less than the one defined for that AI, an error will result when the "Data transfer regardless of error
result" is prohibited.