Chapter 11 Image Capturing
11.1 Outline
The scanner supports image capturing that allows you to capture a graphic as a bitmap (BMP) or JPEG image and
output it to the host computer.
The video mode can be selected from standard VGA, 1/4 VGA and 1/16 VGA. If you select 1/4 VGA or 1/16 VGA,
select also the output image area--the full image area or the center portion of the image area. When the full image area
is selected, the scanner thins out the resolution of the full image area by skipping every other pixel so that the image
quality becomes low; when the center portion is selected, the scanner extracts the center portion of the image area so
that the visual area becomes smaller but the image quality does not change.
The scanner can also output a thumbnail to help you aim at a target. The thumbnail images can be saved only as a
BMP image in 1/64 VGA.
You can select the output format, video mode, output image area and whether or not to use a thumbnail by modifying
the parameters of the IMAGEOUT command.
11.2 Image Capturing Specifications
(1) Output file format
BMP or JPEG file format
(2) Video mode and output image area
Video mode
(Number of pixels)
Image output area
Standard VGA
640 x 480
Full image area
1/4 VGA
320 x 240
Full or center portion of the image area
1/16 VGA
160 x 120
Full or center portion of the image area
Thumbnail (1/64 VGA)
80 x 60
Full image area
(3) Communications protocol for image transmission
Xmodem 1K
(4) Image output command
Enable the thumbnail transmission
Disable the thumbnail transmission
The selections available for parameters l, m, n and o are as follows:
l: Output file format
m: Video mode
0 Standard
2 1/4
4 1/16