7.3 Barcode Reader Mode
The barcode reader mode limits the vertical readable area to 15% at the center portion, as shown below, and the skew
angle within the range of 6°
In this mode, the scanning time required is shorter than that in the normal reader mode.
However, the scanner cannot read 2D codes or multi-line bar codes. The barcode reader mode and the point scan mode
(see Section 7.4) cannot be enabled concurrently. The one set last will be enabled.
7.4 Point Scan Mode
In the point scan mode, you can aim at a target code by matching up the cross provided at the center of the marker
beam with that code.
If there is no code at that cross or the scanner cannot detect the marker beam due to high levels of ambient lighting,
the scanner cannot read anything. The point scan mode takes effect only when the marker beam is permitted to light.
The point scan mode and the barcode reader mode (see Section 7.3) cannot be enabled concurrently. The one set last
will be enabled.
7.5 Scanning a Mirror Image 2D Code
If you enable the mirror image scanning with the QR-coded parameter menu or the configuration software
(ScannerSetting_2D), the scanner can scan a mirror image 2D code as well as a normal image. Note that when the
mirror image scanning is enabled, the time required for scanning may increase.
7.6 Scanning a Black-and-White Inverted Code
The scanner usually scans a black-and-white normal code (black cells/bars on a white background). You can switch
the scanner to scan a black-and-white inverted code (white cells/bars on a black background) or to scan both types of
codes while automatically identifying them, using the QR-coded parameter menu or the configuration software
Note that the automatic detection scanning may take more time than normal code or inverted code scanning.
A black-and-white inverted code requires a black quiet zone of more than the number of cells defined in the code
Readable area in the normal reader mode
Readable area in the barcode reader mode
(hatched section)