Chapter 1 5
Do not remove batteries while the unit is powered as
this may affect the Datalogger
(See Appendix:
“Additional information, Error Messages”)
The QH5 uses a type Lemo 0B 3-pin connector located on top of the
unit. All dmq impact devices are provided with Cal-Tag technology
allowing you to easily switch or replace impact devices with no need to
calibrate the unit. Universal non-brand impact devices can also be used
as long as they have the same connector, but dmq does not guarantee
their performance.
To connect the impact device simply
align the red dot on the male
connector with the red dot on the
female connector located on the unit
and press gently until connected (see
figure 1.5)
To release the impact device hold the
knurled section on the male connector
and gently pull out.
Never remove the connector using the
Figure 1.5: Connecting the impact device