This manual provides all of the information needed to configure and
operate the QH5 hardness tester. However there are additional factors
that can affect tests done with this instrument. Specific information on
those factors is outside the scope of this manual. When in doubt you
should always seek expert advice or refer to specific textbooks on
portable hardness testing. Additional information can also be found on
the internet and through local government agencies as well as in
technical institutes.
All QH5 units operate on the Leeb impact rebound method where the
ratio between the impact and rebound velocities of the impact body
that is released on the test piece, are measured to establish a Leeb
hardness value. The step by step process is represented in figure 1 as
follows: 1, the impact body is released and travels inside the impact
device; 2, the impact body tip hits the test piece; 3, the impact
produces a rebound.
Figure 1: Representation of the Leeb rebound method