When Performance Matters.
If incorrectly used, this machine can cause severe injury. Those who use
and maintain this machine should be trained in its proper use, warned of its
dangers, and should read the entire manual before attempting to set up,
operate, adjust, or service the machine.
63334 – Eclipse 2 118, 18” 11 Blade Reel, Gen-Set
63343 – Eclipse 2 118, 18” 11 Blade Reel, Battery Pack
63335 – Eclipse 2 118, 18” 15 Blade Reel, Gen-Set
63344 – Eclipse 2 118, 18” 15 Blade Reel, Battery Pack
63336 – Eclipse 2 118F, Floating 18” 11 Blade Reel, Gen-Set
63345 – Eclipse 2 118F, Floating 18” 11 Blade Reel, Battery Pack
63337 – Eclipse 2 118F, Floating 18” 15 Blade Reel, Gen-Set
63346 – Eclipse 2 118F, Floating 18” 15 Blade Reel, Battery Pack
63338 – Eclipse 2 122, 22” 11 Blade Reel, Gen-Set
63347 – Eclipse 2 122, 22” 11 Blade Reel, Battery Pack
63339 – Eclipse 2 122, 22” 15 Blade Reel, Gen-Set
63348 – Eclipse 2 122, 22” 15 Blade Reel, Battery Pack
63340 – Eclipse 2 122F, Floating 22” 11 Blade Reel, Gen-Set
63349 – Eclipse 2 122F, Floating 22” 11 Blade Reel, Battery Pack
63341 – Eclipse 2 122F, Floating 22” 15 Blade Reel, Gen-Set
63350 – Eclipse 2 122F, Floating 22” 15 Blade Reel, Battery Pack
63342 – Eclipse 2 126, 26” 7 Blade Reel, Gen-Set
63351 – Eclipse 2 126, 26” 7 Blade Reel, Battery Pack
4260472-Rev A