master controller has a fixed output value range. Conversion may be
required through a calculation channel.
Process variable (x)
: Source channel for the process variable. An ana-
logue input is normally used as the source.
Controller type: Type of controller
: P, PI, PID, PD or I controller
P term (Kp)
: The P part of the controller, i.e. the proportional gain, Kp.
Alternatively to manual configuration, you can control Kp via a channel, for
example, via a slider from a visualisation system.
I term (Ti)
: The I term of the controller, i.e. the integral time, Tn. Altern-
atively to manual configuration, you can control Tn via a channel, for
example, via a slider from a visualisation system.
D1 term (Td)
: The first D term of the controller, i.e. the derivative time Td.
Alternatively to manual configuration, you can control Td via a channel, for
example, via a slider from a visualisation system.
Delay time
: By enabling this option, you can switch the first D term of the
controller from difference to time delayed difference. We recommend
enabling this option.
Start value I term
: Depending on whether the I term is activated (see con-
troller type), here you can choose to give the start value of the I term or
the zero point of the manipulated value (y).
Delphin Technology AG
Januar 2018