DW1000 User Manual
© Decawave Ltd 2017
Version 2.12
Page 224 of 242
transmittedframe. As each new frame is transmitted (not a re-transmission of an unacknowledged frame)
the sequence number should be incremented by 1 (modulo-256) after it is used in the transmitted frame.
11.4 MAC level processing in the DW1000
The DW1000 transmits data from the TX_BUFFER in a frame with data length as specified in the TFLEN and
TFLE fields of the
Register file: 0x08 – Transmit Frame Control
, inserting the 2-octet FCS as the last two octets
of the data payload. The DW1000 will not do any other MAC level transmit processing. So, it is up to the
host system software to prepare the correctly formatted frame conforming to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard
MAC if this is required.
On the receive side, the DW1000 will validate the FCS of the received frame, and can parse frames
complying with IEEE 802.15.4-2011 to validate and accept only those with destination address that is the
broadcast address or matches the IC address information configured in
Register file: 0x01 – Extended Unique
Identifier and
Register file: 0x03 – PAN Identifier and Short Address
. The DW1000 can also optionally
respond to the acknowledgement request bit set in the frame control field, of correctly addressed Data
Frames or MAC Command frames, by sending an IEEE 802.15.4-2011 to compliant acknowledgement frame.
The DW1000 will deliver the received data frame in the RX_BUFFER with its data length reported by the
RXFLEN and RXFLE fields of the
Register file: 0x10 – RX Frame Information Register
, and other than the RX
activities mentioned in the paragraph above the DW1000 will not do any additional MAC level receive
processing. So, it is up to the host system software to correctly parse the received frame according to the
IEEE 802.15.4 standard MAC definition and take whatever additional action is proscribed by the standard, if
this is required.