DW1000 User Manual
© Decawave Ltd 2017
Version 2.12
Page 68 of 242
The ordering of octets read from the Extended Unique Identifier register is designed to be directly
compatible with the octet ordering of the 64-bit source address fields of IEEE 802.15.4 standard MAC frames
easing the task of inserting it into a frame for transmission.
7.2.4 Register file: 0x02
– Reserved
Reserved – this register file is reserved
register file 0x02 is reserved for future use. Please take care not to write to this register as
doing so may cause the DW1000 to malfunction.
7.2.5 Register file: 0x03
– PAN Identifier and Short Address
PAN Identifier and Short Address
register file 0x03 contains two 16-bit parameters, the
PAN Identifier
and the
Short Address
When the DW1000 is powered-up or reset both the PAN Identifier and the Short Address in this register are
reset to the value 0xFFFF. The host software (MAC) should program the appropriate values into this register
if it wishes to use the DW1000’s receive frame filtering or automatic acknowledgement generation
In an IEEE 802.15.4 personal area network (PAN), the PAN coordinator node determines the PAN Identifier
for the network, and assigns it and short 16-bit addresses to devices (nodes) associating with the PAN. The
nodes in the PAN then should (at the MAC layer) use their assigned short address as the source address and
include it along with the PAN Identifier in the frames they transmit. When a node receives a frame it should
only process those with a destination address and PAN Identifier which matches their assigned node address
and network ID.
When the receive frame filtering and automatic acknowledgement functionality is operational the DW1000
decodes each received frame according to the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC specification and when it determines that
a 16-bit destination address is present in the frame, the DW1000 will compare the destination address with
the short address value programmed in this register before accepting/acknowledging the frame, and will
similarly only accept received frames when the PAN Identifier in the frame matches the PAN Identifier
programmed in this register. See sections 5.2 and 5.3 for details of the frame filtering and automatic
acknowledgement functionality.
The PAN Identifier and Short Address register contains the following sub-fields:
REG:03:00 –PANADR – PAN Identifier and Short Address
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0